Chaired the fundraising for Pataka and Porirua Aquatic Centre when they were being established.
Set up Life Education Trust North Wellington and chaired it for about 15 years.
I established with others and have now become the Founding supporter of Johnsonville Youth Grants Trust. This Trust has contributed over $827,576 to 510 youth in North Wellington.
Helped establish and have contributed to and fundraised for Porirua Youth Awards.
Was on the Board of Hutt Mana Energy Trust for 3 years and Chaired it for 2 years.
Chaired Whitireia Community Polytechnic and during that time we moved from the lower quartile to the upper quartile for financial performance whilst maintaining student succession and completion standards at the top level. I was also able to change our Council from a representational one of 20 people to a skill based one of 12 people. This resulted in better outcomes for our students.
Chaired Life Education Trust NZ for 6 years and was Deputy Chair for 3 years. I have just retired from this Board. During that time, we updated our program suite, improved the effectiveness of our organisation and introduced the new High Impact Learning programs. We currently see about 250,000 children each year.
Was involved in establishing Whitireia Foundation and currently support scholarships from it.
Helped to initially fund and establish the early schoolchild Shine Education programme, currently supported by Porirua Foundation and helping over 2000 children in the Wellington Region improving their reading and comprehension.
Porirua City Council. I work to see that communities get good outcomes from their Council and when I feel that they are getting a poor deal I take action to encourage better Governance
Community Recognition
MNZM Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit 2005