I believe there is great opportunity to improve our transport services across the Region. To do so Councillors need to review the information that they get from officers. We must move away from largely irrelevant and warm fuzzy reports which are often qualitative and make us feel good and insist on relevant quantitative information that provides the basis for sound decision making. With a background in business, I have found that relevant information is respected by both our residents and those charged with improving performance. 


Here are examples of non-confidential information that has never, in my current term as a Councillor been made available to the Transport Committee: 

I am optimistic that we can serve our transport community well if we are open and forthright about the issues we face. 

Transport accounts for 67.3% of our total Operating Expenditure and not controlling it directly limits funding for our Environment which currently gets only 17.4% of our budget and deserves grater investment. 

My view is that Councillors need to discuss these issues and demand that full and relevant information is provided. There are many more examples that I can comment on if residents are interested. 

Interested in my other policy views?

Harbour Policy Views

Here are my views on the challenges, priority and actions needed in regards to the harbour and its catchment.

Environment Policy Views

Porirua Harbour and key information specific to sediment monitoring